My dear,
The Eskimo, of Sami People descent, one day got together and said to me:
Áinnádat, bearta, bieggagaikkohat, bohkolat, borga, ceavvi, cuoŋu, čáðgi, čearga, činus, deamádat, doalli, dobádat, earbmi, fáskka, girrat, goahpálat, guoldu, jassa, joavgga, luotkkus, moskkur, muohta, njáhcu, oppas, rodda, sarti, seaŋáš, sievlla, sittardit (my favorite one), skávvi, šlavzi, slievar, soavli, vahca…
…They told me some of the names they give their snow.
The Eskimo has fifty-two names for snow because it is important to them: there ought to be as many for love.
Ahhh, but we do have eros, pragma, banquet, mania, ludus, and storage; what a great start.
Falsely yours,
Margaret Eleanor Atwood