My dear,
They tell you you can’t get a good life without a college education?
Do it anyways.
They tell you you can’t possibly work four hours week and still pay for your bills?
Do it anyways.
They tell you artists don’t make money?
Become and artist, and make money anyways.
They tell you you can’t love wholeheartedly anymore in this world. That it’s too harsh now for anyone to love fully.
Love wholeheartedly anyways.
They tell you you can’t fight war with peace. That you have to fight fire with fire, and take an eye for an eye.
Be peaceful anyways.
They tell you that you have to focus on one, to either focus on work, or on having a life. They tell you that you can’t possible work extremely hard at something you love, while having a good social life, a good relationship life, and a good family life.
Do it all anyways.
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
Falsely yours,
Walter Bagehot