![Quotes Quotations on Shirts Apparel Clothing Letters Blog](https://quotesclothing-us-as3.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/quote-quotes-shirt-shirts-clothes-clothing.jpg)
My dear,
Shame on you if you only do good because you were promised heaven. Shame on you if you only do good because God is watching. Shame on you if you only do good to shield yourself from the consequences of earlier wrong doings.
Are you not ashamed that you do not see the merit of doing good for goodness’ sake? Are you not ashamed that all your good deeds are selfish? Are you not ashamed that without the promise of happiness for you, you do not give it to others?
An intelligent person does not need the promise of heaven to see the merit of good deeds.
Look upon your actions of goodness? Are they selfish and self-serving? Or are they intelligent and selfless? If the former and not the latter, how could you make them so?
Do so.
Falsely yours,
A. Nonymous