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“Better Than A Thousand Hollow Words, Is One Word That Brings Peace.”

My dear, Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. Fight. Argue. Hate. Envy. Despise. Resent. Covet. Loathe. Detest. Dislike. Abhor. Squabble. Bicker. Disagree. Feud. None of these words hold as much strength as one word: Love. One word that brings peace can fight off thousands that bring war. Falsely yours, Siddhārtha Gautama...

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“If You Propose To Speak, Always Ask Yourself, Is It True, Is It Necessary, Is It Kind.”

My dear, If you propose to speak, always ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, is it kind. Why speak if not to speak truth, and the whole truth? Why speak if it’s not necessary and silence would serve the occasion better? Why speak if it’s only to hurt and not to teach or heal? Falsely yours, Gautama...

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“No Matter How Hard The Past, You Can Always Begin Again.”

My dear, Please begin again. I know the past has been harsh to you, it has to us all. But so what? No matter how hard the past, you can always dream again. No matter how hard the past, you can always strive again… That’s the beauty of life, it discriminates against none, and thus lets us all begin once again, one more time, everytime. The past is harsh, but the future is bright… only if you begin again. Falsely...

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